If a person is healthy you will normally see glowing radiant skin, However if you suffer from eczema, rosacea or hives it is an indication of excess. It is defined in various schools of medicine in different ways, however they converge with the view that it is most likely caused by excess accumulation in the body creating inflammation.
Escape aging formulated the anti inflammatory serum, this is a powerful remedy to provide longer term benefits for people with chronic conditions associated with eczema, rosacea, hives or urticaria. The potent herbs in the serum work to eliminate excess and restore balance and harmony. Using it topically on the affected area and using two drops in the umbilicus( Naval/belly button) and a few drops massaged into the base of the feet after washing them prior to sleep provides optimum results.
Care should be taken to avoid damp and heat causing foods,while a patient is fighting the chronic condition. Emphasis needs to be on warm cooked foods, avoid raw vegetables, cold drinks, ice water, alcohol or sugar especially sugary drinks from juices through to colas. Replace coffee with green tea, avoid bananas have more basil, yams, sweet potatoes and warming soups to maximize the healing effect.Try to cut down or eliminate diary products. Cold milk and ice cream are the worst culprits.
Most people with chronic condition with regular use of the serum and change in food habits, the speed of progress will depend on how badly the gut health has been impacted and how long has the chronic condition been with the individual.